Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wrapping Some More...

So yesterday I did do a little bit of painting, but not too much. I'm kind of just letting go and working on 4 different pieces without any "goal" in mind. Just playing around. Needless to say, since I'm not thinking my way around what to do...I'm also neglecting to think of taking progress pictures. Ooops. Maybe I'll take some tonight.

One thing I did finish was a little miniature painting that my sister-in-law asked me to do for her...ummm...a couple years ago. Shush. I know I'm bad. I lost it first. Then found it, but we were moving. Then we moved and I forgot. And now it's done. I call it "Lolly" after her.

And then I decided to continue my trend of wrapping things specifically for the person. Here's the internal of the actual wrapping, err "bagging"::

And from there I managed to  completely cover the inside and outside of the box lid with things that reminded me of my favorite sister-in-law!

And here with my home-office made Rubberband "ribbon/bow"

Okay, so the "bow" is a stretch - haha! Get it?
Sorry, I'm delirious today!

Some other wrapping I did today that wasn't so creative:

And that's all she

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